Dear Maggie, I'm so sorry for your situation. You are right! As a friend, I think he or she should understand, maybe not now but I hope it soon. I think it is a test between you and your friend. If friendship cannot maintained because of this reason, it is not your problem! Friend comes and friends goes. Or you need new friends. Recently sth has also happened between my friend and I. It's not the first time I do not feel respectation and consideration from that frind. And I can see the pattern of her behaviour. A unmature person cannot grow up though how mcuh you tried to help. It's the mindset which causes problem between us. (I think it also can apply for you and your friend. ) I was angry and I was sad why my friend was so naive and not mature. I waited until it's over my limit and I decided to tell her I was angry at her for certain reasons. Still, the outcome is not as good as I expected. But I did not regret of telling her my feeling. From my experience, taking it too serious does not help but just makes you more frustrated in emotion. Maybe it would be as good as Cathy said! Who knows! I hope you would feel better soon!
um.....可能大家對自己既"計劃"都好在意,所以唔想有任何差池,不如交俾神,讓平安係你同佢既心中,話唔定0係大家既 "計劃"之後會冇事呢...
回覆刪除Dear Maggie, I'm so sorry for your situation. You are right! As a friend, I think he or she should understand, maybe not now but I hope it soon. I think it is a test between you and your friend. If friendship cannot maintained because of this reason, it is not your problem! Friend comes and friends goes. Or you need new friends. Recently sth has also happened between my friend and I. It's not the first time I do not feel respectation and consideration from that frind. And I can see the pattern of her behaviour. A unmature person cannot grow up though how mcuh you tried to help. It's the mindset which causes problem between us. (I think it also can apply for you and your friend. ) I was angry and I was sad why my friend was so naive and not mature. I waited until it's over my limit and I decided to tell her I was angry at her for certain reasons. Still, the outcome is not as good as I expected. But I did not regret of telling her my feeling. From my experience, taking it too serious does not help but just makes you more frustrated in emotion. Maybe it would be as good as Cathy said! Who knows!
回覆刪除I hope you would feel better soon!